Watchman Willie Martin Archive

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Chapter Seven

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ NORTH AMERICA

���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� WAS INHABITED BY ISRAELITES

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1000 YEARS OR MORE BEFORE 1492

When embarking upon a study such as this, one will find that there are archeological discoveries that have been made which show a strong correlation to the Bible. For when people think of Israel in the Bible they assume that all the events which happened to Israel did so in the little country known as Palestine; today it is called Israel. And therefore the Israelites could not have been very important in the ancient world. However, Daniel told us that knowledge would increase in the latter days:

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." [1]

Also, Daniel tells us that many things will be kept secret until the latter days:

"And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." [2]

Many of these recent archeological discoveries combined with secular and Biblical history give us a shockingly different perspective of the ancient world in general and ancient Israel in particular. In this chapter we will attempt to show you evidence which will prove ancient Israel was an empire. It had a homeland in Palestine, and a far-flung empire much the same as Britain did until just a few decades ago. Britain once ruled over a far-flung empire from a small homeland, located in the British Isles.

In the years from about 1050-850 B.C. Israel was the dominant power of the world with an empire that rivaled and perhaps exceeded that of the Caesars. The empire included areas of the world now inhabited by the Israelite people and that included portions of North America. We full well understand this is a bold statement, but the evidence will follow. In this study we will examine the real extent of Israel's power and empire in the ancient world; the Israelite presence in North America with considerable specifics.

The time of Israel's greatness really began with King David and its rise to empire status. This happened in about the year 1050 B.C. 2 Samuel 8 discusses David's defeat of the Philistines, Moab, Amalek, Edom, and the Syrians for example lost more than 80,000 men in just three battles [3]. That is more men than the United States lost in the 14 years of the Vietnam War. To give you a perspective of the ferocity of the battles.

1 Chronicles 21 shows that David could mobilize over 1�

million men. With an army of that size you are not insignificant, not even in this age, this day and time. In 1 Chronicles 18:3 it states the border of his dominion went to the Euphrates River which bordered the area of Assyria and Babylon; or Mesopotamia who viewed David as an upstart rival.

The Phoenicians were the city states of Tyre and Sidon, and had a far flung empire on land and sea. They were the best sailors in the ancient world at that time, and they saw the rise of David and Israel and made an alliance with them. They were a common race of Semitic people; they also had a common language. There were only dialectic differences between Hebrew and the Phoenician tongue. 1 Kings 17:9-16 relates where Elijah met with a Phoenician or Zidonan widow, and they had immediate discourse, with no difficulty at all in communication.

King Hiram the king of Tyre made David a palace and they became very close allies as 1 King 5:1 shows. The Israelite Phoenician alliance was an ancient super power, with all twelve tribes of Israel united they sat astride the area where three continents met; they had the world's greatest navy in the Phoenicians combined with David's one and one-half million man army. And David was not the least bit reluctant to use it. They were challenged by Assyria and Mesopotamia, which is almost totally unknown by most and yet it is related in the Bible. There was a revolt in Amon which is a pretext for war between many nations and the Israelites.

It is discussed in 1 Chronicles 19 and 20 in some detail. There were 32 thousands chariots from Mesopotamia alone [4] that came to fight David's army in this battle. There was also an unknown number of men from Mesopotamia and Syria which included a number of different people which fought with Ammon against Israel. In verse 9 we can see it was a national effort with a number of different nations to destroy Israel as it states their kings came to watch the battle.

"And the children of Ammon came out, and put the battle in array before the gate of the city: and the kings that were come were by themselves in the field." [5]

So, we can clearly see, this was not just a mercenary effort, this was a matter of national commitment against Israel. Israel won the first round and also the second which left them with no one in the area to challenge them. If you will look at Psalm 83, which was likely written by David at this time where he lists many nations that come to help the children of Lot, which also included Ammon to destroy Israel from off the face of the earth.

"Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah. Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison: Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth. Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna: Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession. O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind. As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire; So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm. Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O Lord. Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." [6]

Secular history has recorded that Assyria's Empire went into eclipse or confusion, some encyclopedias call it, between 1100-900 B.C. Halley's Bible Handbook comments on it also, and states that ancient Israel was much stronger than Assyria, Babylon or Egypt. This is the same period as Israel's golden age under David and Solomon. And is glossed over in almost all historical texts, if they even cover it at all.

What happened to Assyria? It was defeated badly in a war against Israel's army, as we learn from 1 Chronicles and Psalm 83. The texts of ancient history will not tell you this nor will it give great credibility as the Bible is the Word of God. Assyria and other nations had provoked Ammon to start this war, and this will give you a little indication of how large an area that David ruled. In Psalm 83 he named the nations that became a part of this war, which included Assyria and in all likelihood became a vassal state to David. It included the Ishmaelites, which included the Arabian Peninsula and people we don't know where they lived in the east, so we really don't know how large an are David actually ruled. But he did rule from Egypt to somewhere about the middle of the modern nation of Iran. Ether directly or through vassal states as a result of that war. But Israel was the dominant super power of the ancient world at this time.

Is there evidence of an Israelite Empire? The answer is Yes! But the secular historians will rarely call it an Israelite Empire, they will call it a Phoenician Empire. Most people who do not realize the difference between Judah and Israel balk at this major role for Israel because they think the Jews were the Israelites and the Jews have always been few in number, but they don't realize that the men from Judah were only a small part of David's army at this time. It is true that David was of the tribe of Judah but he, also, had eleven other tribes to provide manpower.

The Phoenician Empire is credited by historians as being dominant in the Mediterranean Sea; as being present in substantial numbers in the British Isles, the West Coast of Europe and Africa in the period of about 1100-800 B.C. and they are not at all bashful in calling it a Phoenician Empire. This coincides with the exact time that Assyria was put down and the Bible tells us that David had defeated the Assyrians.

It coincides with Israel's greatness and the allegiance of the Phoenician city Israelites; show Phoenicia took pains to join with them because they did not wish to be their enemy. 1 Chronicles 22 relates that David accumulated for the Temple of God iron and brass beyond calculation. [7] Warrner Keller in his book "The Bible is History" states:

"Israel was using the Bessemer system of smelting, which was nor re-discovered until recently in the modern era...Essian Gebar was the Pittsburgh of ancient Palestine."

That nowhere else in the fertile crescent which includes Mesopotamia could such a large smelting facility be found. We see by this that Israel was not just an agriculture only nation but they were also the industrial power house of the ancient world. Dr. Berry Fells book "Bronze Age America" cites evidence that 1/2 billions of copper ore was taken from mines near Lake Superior in North America, in roughly 2000-1000 B.C. The dates include the time of David's reign, at the tail end of it, as the ore apparently ran out for they have no evidence that it was mined after that.

It could be that the Israelites simply worked the mines to death, or to where they could not be mined economically at that point. Which Fell states that this New World copper mine output there is no evidence what became of it. There is no evidence it was used in this hemisphere at all. And they have no idea where the copper came from which was smelted in Palestine during this time. Putting this evidence together and one comes up with the assumption that this copper was shipped from North America to Palestine by boat and was used by Israel in its huge smelting facilities in Palestine. The Phoenician/Israelite presence in America has abundantly shown to be real. At this point, we must, in all fairness, present just one of the many stories which abound which make reference to our Israel ancestors coming to America thousands of years BEFORE Columbus. The following is taken from an article in National Geographic, Vol. 152, No. 6, December 1977, pp. 769.

"The New Word: Who, from the Old first touched its shore? Historians held for centuries that it was Christopher Columbus. By current consensus, it was Norse voyagers of a thousand years ago. But perhaps it was a group of shadowy, yet very real, Irish seafaring monks who predated even the Vikings by more than four centuries. In the great pantheon of New World explorers no name is more intriguing, or more clouded in controversy, than that of Ireland's St. Brendan. His legend, today more tantalizing than ever, has persisted through the centuries in the form of a Christians imram, an Irish saga: Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis, Voyage of Saint Brendan the Abbot. With 17 fellow monks, it relates, Brendan sailed to Terra Repromissionis Sanctorum, THE LAND PROMISED TO THE SAINTS, SOMEWHERE BEYOND THE FAR REACHES OF THE WESTERN ATLANTIC. Was the Promised Land North America? Did St. Brendan actually reach it in the sixth century? Neither history nor archeology offers proof."

This statement is totally untrue, and I believe the publishers of National Geographic knew it at the time of the publication. Most of us have read (from reputable history books) of the adventures of Lief Eriksson and his party in the founding of Vinland circa A.D. 800-1400 in the area of the St. Lawrence River in the North-eastern United States and Canada. Although they predated the Columbus voyage by many centuries, were the expeditions of Lief Eriksson the first discovery of what is now known as the United States? There were Christians living in America over 100 years before Columbus arrived in the Caribbean. The official historians of this country have known this for many, many years. Yet, none of this is discussed as a national heritage. Why is this?

Those of us who are interested in finding petroglyphs, or ancient symbols and pictures engraved on stones, have wondered about the meaning of them. All we could do was wonder and speculate until the science of deciphering ancient and unknown languages was developed. The science is called Epigraphics and it has been developed into a rather sophisticated science. Symbols, for example, mean something, but what?

���� Epigraphics. Until a few years ago geologists told us that the numerous short and repetitive lines inscribed on rocks found in the Northeastern United�������������������� States and Canada were simply scratches made from the movement of ice and rocks during the recent ice-age. Because of Epigraphics, we����������������������� now know that it was a language and it has been deciphered.

���� The Celts. This language is that of the Celts from Ireland, Scotland, England, France and the Rhineland country of Germany. The language dates from����������������� long before Christ and was in use in Ireland and England at the time of Celtic Druids. It is called Ogam script and has been found all over���������������������� America, from the West Indies to Newfoundland and west into Oregon and British Columbia.

We know that Julius Caesar described the vessels that the Celts had built and used. In Book III of his De Bello Gallico he described these vessels against which his small, puny (by comparison), ships of the Roman fleet fought. He described them as being capable of sailing "upon the vast open sea." This is exactly what they did. It appears that there were many different expeditions and migrations by the Celts during the period of many centuries before Christ until circa 400-800 A.D. They came, not only just once to colonize, but they came and returned to Europe on a repetitive basis.

���� The Vikings. The Vikings were here in America when King Woden-lithi sailed the Atlantic seventeen centuries before Christ and entered the St.��������������������������� Lawrence River. He established a trading post at a site near where Toronto now stands. It became a religious and commercial center that is��������������������� now known as Petroglyph Park at Peterborough, Canada. King Woden-lithi's home was in Norway.

He remained in Canada for five months, from April to September and traded his woven fabrics for copper ingots obtained from the European settlers. He called these people Wal, which is a word cognate with Wales and Welsh. He gave these Celts his religious beliefs, the ability to measure woven cloth and an astronomical observatory for measuring the Nordic calendar and for determining the dates of the pagan Yale and Ishtar festivals. Remember, this was seventeen centuries (1700-years) before Christ!

���� Ogam Script. The Celts were already here when King Woden-lithi arrived. What was their written language like? We have already shown that they������������������������ wrote with the Ogam script which can be described simply as an alphabet, comprising fifteen consonants and five vowels, together with a few�������������������� other signs representing double letters such as diphthongs. The letters are made by inscribing single parallel strokes placed in sets of one to��������������������� five, in position above, across, or below a guide line.

���� The Languages. But what words were made from this Ogam alphabet? Here again the science of Epigraphics gives us the answer. We know that there���������������������� is no language of any of the American Indians that is made up of the Greek language.

And yet the ancient Celts in the area of the St. Lawrence River spoke a language that was directly derived from the Greek! As we shall see, the different Celts in America spoke yet other languages! The type of Greek that was spoken by the Celts of the area is known as Ptolemaic which means that it is a dialect of Greek that was spoken in Egypt, Palestine and the other countries in the area that Alexander conquered. Alexander forced upon the area his idea of one-world government, one-world people, one-world religion and one-world language. It was this Ptolemaic dialect that Alexander forced upon the citizens of the area. The dialect was composed of Greek, Egyptian and Aramaic. This is why Jesus spoke Aramaic and Greek, instead of Hebrew. We will study the effect that Alexander had on Israel and Christianity in a future lesson.

The obvious question from the previous paragraph is, who were the Celts? Did the Celts from Iberia (THE SPANISH PENINSULA) and the Rhineland go to Egypt and Palestine and learn the Greek spoken language at the time of Alexander or did the Israelites (NOT JEWS) learn the Greek and Aramaic when they were in Palestine and then go to the new world to escape the dictatorship of Alexander? Remember, Israel lost the knowledge of ancient Hebrew (not modern Yiddish) before and during the time of Alexander.

The language of the Celts who were already here in the St. Lawrence River Valley when King Woden-lithe arrived has since been lost. Why has the language disappeared? This is probably at least partly because through the subsequent years they intermixed with other peoples and in the process the language was lost. It doesn't take much to lose a language. Notice the difference between American English and the English language spoken in England. But that doesn't account for the fact that a grace of people totally vanished from the continent. Some of the Ogam Script is with the Gaelic influence.

The Gaelic language came from the highlands of Scotland. In the New England area, artifacts such as grave headstones have been found, all with Ogam script in Gaelic script. [8] The Celts with the Gaelic dialect came from the highlands of Scotland. According to the Scottish Declaration of Independence written by Robert Bruce and his noblemen, the Scotland people came from ancient Israel through the Rhineland area of France and Germany and then through Iberia or Spain.

���� The Mariners from Tarshish. Tarshish was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all kind of riches; with silver, iron, tin, and lead, they traded in����������������������������������� thy fairs [9]. The Celts were well established in foreign trade.

In 1780, Ezra Stiles, who later became the president of Yale College, found and recorded a Tartessian inscription on a rock along the seashore near Mount Hope Bay, Rhode Island. The deeply cut inscription clearly shows the outline of a typical high-sterned ship from Tarshish. Under the outline of the ship are the words in Tartessian (Tarshish) Punic, "Mariners of Tarshish this rock proclaims."

Near Union, New Hampshire, another Tartessian inscription was found with a similar Tarshish ship hull and the words, "VOYAGERS FROM TARSHISH THIS STONE PROCLAIMS."

On Mohegan Island, off the coast of Maine, is, in Ogam script in Gaelic dialect, an inscription showing that the Celts traded with the traders from Tarshish. It is obvious that the mariners from Tarshish were not residents of the area as were the Celts. They were trading with the Celts for their furs and raw materials from the mining done by the Celts. Thus, there was a lively trade being conducted between the Japhetic sons of Tarshish [10] and the Celtic sons of Shem. Some of the trading was done with goods in exchange for the furs and metals of the Celts. But there was also an exchange for coins. It seems that modern historians won't believe the facts of history such as the Ogam inscriptions. They only like to see the money! Well, there is that, too!

���� Coins. From about the fourth century B.C. the ancient mariner traders brought coins in addition to goods. In the year 1787, Pastor Thaddeus Madson�������� ������Harris came upon a group of men working on a road known as the Cambridge-Malden road (now Route 16) in Massachusetts.

The workers had uncovered a flat stone underneath the surface. Under the stone was a cache of ancient coins, nearly two quarts of them. The coins were square pieces made of a copper-silver alloy. Each coin was stamped on both sides with an unknown script. Pastor Harris recorded the incident in a letter to John Quincy Adams. The inscriptions were taken to the Harvard Library for translation but with no success. The letter was then buried in the archives for nearly two hundred years until James Whittall, of the Early Sites Research Society, re-discovered the letter with the inscriptions and researched them with the American Numismatic Society and with Epigraphic scientists. The inscriptions proved to be that of Kufic origin which is a form of Arabic. Undoubtedly, one of the trading mariners brought the coins to America to purchase the Celtic goods which were for sale.

After the newly designed steel plow was invented by Charles Newbold in 1797, the earth could be turned over to a much greater depth. The furrow that the plow made opened up the soil and there, by the thousands, were found Roman coins! In days of early America, the extensive study of Latin and Roman history was required for a college degree. Thus, the people of America readily knew that Europeans came to America and lived in America much earlier than Christopher Columbus. But later, from American history books, our school children were taught the Columbus mystique and they were taught that the world was considered flat by all educated people until Columbus discovered America! All of those Roman coins that were discovered were ignored and it has remained that way until very recently. As we continue our studies, we will realize why the truth was buried.

In 1961, Frederick J. Pohl raised the nagging question of the Roman coins in his book Atlantic Crossings Before Columbus. He describes notable finds of Roman coins in the United States. Other scientists have carried on the task of proving the European travels to this continent long before Columbus. One of the notable men in this field is Professor Cyclone covey of Wake Forest University. Much will be discussed about his investigations later in this lesson. Roman coins are not the only money found in America. Carthaginian, Celto-Iberian, Greek, Libyan and Norse coins have been found in locations all over the United States.

Near Castle Gardens, Wyoming a petroglyph was found, written in Celto-Gaelic, describing the location of what would be the description of a bank. Yes, the petroglyph says that this was the first money-changing location to reach the area and that the bank operated with no usury! Undoubtedly, this was a location for exchanging the value of one coin for another for the purpose of trading and traveling. The petroglyph written in Celto-Gaelic undoubtedly means that the Celts were located in Wyoming and the fact that they operated in Wyoming and the fact that they operated with no usury is significant. We will shortly discuss the type of law the Celts exercised.

From 400 B.C. to 1100 A.D., the Western world realized six maritime powers. They all came out of the Mediterranean area except for the last one. They are, in order of their appearance, (1) the Carthaginians of Tunisia; (2) the Greeks and Libyans of North Africa; (3) the Romans; (4) the Byzantine Greeks who succeeded Rome; (5) the Islamic powers of North Africa and Asia; and (6) the Norse sea-rovers.

Although the Celts were never realized as a maritime power, since they were a people scattered over many countries, their ocean-going ships were among the best. These ships were huge in comparison to the Roman ships. They were two thousand tons in capacity as compared to about four hundred tons of the average Roman ship.

The ships that the uncle of Jesus, Joseph of Aramathea, used to haul lead and tin from the Glastonbury area of England for sale to the Romans were Celtic in design and operation. Again, Julius Caesar spoke very highly of the sea-going prowess of the Celts and their ships. Throughout this period, each of these maritime powers sent ships all over the high seas and to America.

But it was the Libyans who transcended all of the others in the span of their voyage. A Libyan, named Eratosthenes of Cyrene, accurately calculated the earth's circumference. He reasoned that the earth's oceans had to be continuous and consequently a ship could sail around the world in either direction and return to the starting point. The date was approximately 239 B.C.!

Eratosthenes developed the system of the meridian circles of the map of the globe. The meridian circles are simply the points on the globe where the USN is directly overhead at noon at the local time. He set these meridian circles in a grid in such a way that a mariner could accurately locate his position. He drew the primary meridian circle to pass through Alexandria.

The Libyans then set sail in their ocean-going vessels to prove that Eratosthenes was right. Their ships were equipped with magnetic compasses. Their compass consisted of a ceramic bowl with the compass points engraved around the edge. A lodestone (a strongly magnetic variety of the mineral magnetie) was floated on the water in the bowl.

Sometimes, a magnetized iron strip was suspended in the bowl. They also had a device for navigation that was the forerunner of the modern sextant. The Libyans traveled eastward, through the Suez Canal that King Darius had built, then sailed down the Red Sea, and then around the tip of India, through the Indonesian straits and then into the Pacific Ocean.

They arrived on the West Coast of America, disembarked and traveled inland to Nevada. These ancient Libyans settled in the arid Nevada country because it was very similar to their own home country. In various locations in Nevada are petroglyphs, written in Aramaic-Libyan and Celto-Gaelic which reflect their mariner skills.

There is a map of North America, showing the outline of both coasts from the Hudson Bay country of Canada to Panama in the South. It was obviously taken from one of their meridian circle navigation charts that Eratosthenes developed. In addition, examples of their mathematics is displayed along with oceanography. Their alphabet was written in stone for us to see. Astronomy as a science is displayed. Remember, before the fall of the Roman Empire, the Center of Western Civilization rested along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

The modern day epigraphic scientists are puzzled as to what happened to all of these people, from the Celts, to the Carthaginians, to the Libyans and all the other original settlers who have come to this land. Certainly educated people in the sciences and mathematics lived here many years ago, that is now obvious. But when the American colonists arrived, the natives had no written language nor any knowledge of higher education.

For example, the Paiute and Shoshone tribesmen of Nevada were asked where all of the petroglyphs we now know to have been scribed by the Libyans came from, they could tell the archaeologists and epigraphists nothing except that neither they nor their forebears had cut them. However, some of the methods and style of living that were taught by these ancient settlers have come down through the centuries by the indigenous peoples who were here and then remained after the mysterious disappearance.

For example, in the modern, Libyan North African region there are two Distinct ecological groups.

�� 1). The first is the modern Berber who is of lighter skin with obvious and European features with many having blond hair and blue eyes.

He prefers to live in the mountainous regions where there is more water and better soil. He is an agriculturist and he builds his home pueblo style out of sun-dried mud which he calls in Arabic attobi which in America is called adobe. Their buildings are multi-level with the floors and ceilings strengthened with wooden beams which project beyond the outer walls. His dress code calls for the women not to wear the face veil but to tattoo their chins. The men have the custom to cover their heads and faces with a scarf-like cloth, showing only their eyes to strangers. Even today, these modern Berbers still speak the Berber language which came to them from their Celto-Iberian background.

�� 2). The second ecological group is the Arabs. They are nomadic, moving their herds from place to place in the lowlands. They live in tents. The women cover their heads with veils and are not tattooed. The men do not veil the face. Their language is Arabic.

In the Peabody Museum of Harvard University are ancient bowls made by these Libyan mariners who built their temporary colonies in the Southwestern United States. The bowls very clearly show a man and woman painted on the sides of each. The women have no veil but have their chins tattooed. The men have the Berber type of scarf covering their faces with only the eyes showing! Beyond a doubt, these people were a part of the Libyan expeditions into the Western United States. They, too, suddenly disappeared in the 10th to 12th century A.D., after having been here from about 500 B.C. All of these people abandoned their towns and simply vanished.

The ancient Berbers were of Celto-Iberian origin. They spoke a Gaelic Celto-Iberian language. When we again return to the Scottish Declaration of Independence and read that they travelled through Iberia (THE SPANISH PENINSULA) on their way to Scotland and Ireland, it would account for the Celto-Iberian-Gaelic dialect. It is in this language that the great majority of the petroglyphs are written. It is obvious that the Libyan Berbers associated with the Celts of the Eastern and Northern United States during the apex of their civilization here. It is apparent that they had a flourishing trade with their home countries of Europe. Not only did they travel to and from Europe on occasion in their own ships, they conducted commerce with the traders from Tarshish and Cartage.

Just as the Celts in the Glastonbury and Avalon areas of England mined for tin and lead and shipped the finished metal to Rome in Joseph of Aremathea's ships, the same Celts conducted mining operations in America and either sold or traded their metal with Europe. But it all vanished around the end of the first millennium A.D.

���� Christianity and the American Celts. When the first Celts arrived in America, they were as pagan as their brothers in Europe. Many of the earlier������������������������������������������������ inscriptions in America depicted Baal worship and classical Phallic worship.

Then, all of sudden, there came the appearance of Christian inscriptions. In fact, whenever it was possible, the later Christian inscriptions were inscribed over the top of the earlier pagan writing. This was obvious to the epigraphic scientists because the later inscriptions were cut deeper and partially obliterated the earlier work. In Cripple Creek, Colorado there is a memorial in Greek that states,

"Herein is the last resting place of Palladis (a priest), the servant of God."

At Oak Island, Nova Scotia is found an inscription in Libyan dialect of the North African Coptic Church, which states,

"To escape contagion of plague and winter hardships, he is to pray for an end or mitigation, the arif: The people will perish in misery if they forget the Lord, alas. [11]."

Wherever Christianity has gone, the Laws of God have been adapted into the legal system of the community. The Christian Celts of Iberia, Ireland, Scotland as well as the Christian Celts of America had a legal system that reflected the teachings of the Christian Bible. The system was called the Tanistry which means the administration of law by deputies of the king. The system as it is preserved from ancient times is rather lengthy so here are just a few examples to show the influence of the Christian Bible:

�� 1). "In the obscurity of the mists of olden time a desire would arise to replace armed combat by arbitration. [12]

�� 2). And it would seem a desirable thing that land boundaries should be fixed without recourse to moats. [13]

�� 3). Henceforth cases involving wrongdoing are to be made over to the wisest men. [14]

�� 4). Any case is to be brought to judgment without delay.

�� 5). Henceforth in any case involving false utterances let amends be paid in compensation for the harm. [15]

�� 6). Henceforth if a complainant be merciful, let the judges also be merciful. [16]

�� 7). If a malicious man utter lying words that another declares to be slanderous, to the measure of his tongue-loose recklessness shall he transport heavy burdens�������� for the other man [17].

�� 8). The common people may eat corn, together with game bird but they may not hunt bears. They may kill stags, goats and red deer." [18]

There is much more to the Tanistry but this gives you information that the early Celts became Christian and this was imparted to those Celts living in the United States long before Columbus "discovered" America.

���� The Norsemen. The Columbus mystique has been so impressed on the American people that we are blinded to facts. Such again is the case of the �������������������������colonists from Norway. When Thormod Torfason wrote his authenticated works titled Historia Vinlandae Antiquae in 1705, very few������������������������������ historians and other scholars knew anything of the many trips to America by the Norse mariners and colonists. For over two more centuries,�������������������� nearly everyone continued to disbelieve Torfason's studies.

The American's minds were made up, don't confuse us with facts! We will understand why we have been misled by the conclusion of the next lesson in history. On May 24, 1934, a mining prospector named James Edward Dodd was blasting in the Great Lakes region of Canada and his dynamite uncovered a sword and a shield. These artifacts were taken to the royal Ontario Museum and they were accurately dated to the first quarter of the eleventh century, about 1025 A.D. It was at this time that Leif Eriksson began his first ventures to the land that he called Vinland. The name itself was given to the St. Lawrence River area because of the abundance of wild grapes that the Norsemen found to make a very good grade of wine. Because of the find of the sword and shield, along with much other evidence, we Americans began to believe that the Norsemen did, indeed, predate Columbus' discovery.

In the 1930's, we began to learn about the tremendous amount of European travel and commerce predating Eriksson by many centuries. Then in 1940, we were reconvinced that Eriksson didn't exist and that there was absolutely nobody who proceeded Columbus. Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison was an author who appeared to be "puffed" by the establishment. His style of writing was light and airy and he was very capable of mixing legends in with archaeological and historical facts in such a way that it became easy to question the technical analysis.

In 1940, from his Harvard position, he was adamant in his position that Columbus was the first and in 1942 he wrote Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus to prove his point. By 1961 the Royal Ontario Museum was obliged to re-evaluate their analysis of the sword and shield by stating that it "was not possible to authenticate the story of the alleged discovery."

In Admiral Morison's book The European Discovery of America, he refutes the Vinland story by stating that nearly all of the seacoast towns from Newfoundland to the Virginia Capes boast in their histories that Lief Eriksson was there. But he says that there have been no artifacts to prove his presence. He states that the Newport stone tower which is cherished as the first Christian Church in America is a fake and that it was built around 1675 by a colonial governor of Rhode Island. Yet, in 1946 an authenticated inscription was found on one of the rocks of the tower. The inscription is in Nordic Runes and simply declares the lower to be the "cathedral church" and the "Bishop's Seat."

The Newport Tower is a part of the church that the Norsemen built in the early 1300's. To further authenticate this, the Italian explorer Giovanni de Verrazano in 1524 sailed up the East coast of the United States from Florida to labrador. He rediscovered Long Island Sound and the Hudson River. He drew a map, which is officially shown in the Archives, of the Narragansett coast and in his writings he described the stone' built "Norman Villa." He went ashore and found friendly Indians who knew nothing of the building of the villa. Verrazano recognized it to be Norse because of the style of architecture and other evidence. An English document (of the period of the Pilgrims) proposed a settlement in Rhode Island. The document gave the location of the Norman Tower as the place where the settlement should be made.

In Rhode Island today, the local name for the tower is often given as "Governor Arnold's Mill," because the first governor made use of the tower as a flour mill. Here is an example of how a historian can take partial facts, along with legend, and make it fit the "politically correct thing to say." There is evidence now being discovered that shows the Norsemen to have sailed South, along the Eastern seashore, into the Gulf of Mexico and then up the Mississippi River.

Not only have Viking Battle Axes been found but more inscriptions to prove their presence. The Heavener runestone inscription in the Oklahoma State Park on Poteau Mountain has been definitely judged to be Nordic script of the Viking Age of not later than 1350 A.D. Viking inscriptions have also been found in Colorado. No longer can we deny the presence of the Norsemen in America several hundred years before Columbus.

We have left for last what is perhaps the most striking evidence of pre-Columbus Europeans in America. In the Southwestern part of the United States the climate is generally arid or semi-arid and the soil is more alkaline. As a result of these conditions artifacts, including human remains, are left intact for a very long time.

There is mounting evidence that Europeans, in significant numbers, colonized a portion of the Southwestern United States during the period from approximately 700 A.D. until about 1300 A.D. It is very significant that all of the colonies in North America, including this one under discussion, appeared to simply vanish within an approximate 100 year time frame. We may never know the exact reasons and there could have been several. We know that the Europeans transmitted diseases that were specific to Europe to the indigenous natives who were vulnerable to them.

Conversely, the natives gave the Europeans specific diseases to which they were vulnerable, such as some of the social diseases. Or, there could have very easily been a universal uprising and this is even probable. Whatever the reasons were, we must believe that the ventures did not please God. There had to be things that were done that were seriously breaking some of His Laws.

About 700 A.D. there appeared in the area of West Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada, a literal empire apparently made up of a city-state system. The empire was Christian and they had succeeding kings. The people came from the British Isles, Gaul (France), Germany, Rome and apparently North Africa. Undoubtedly, the North Africans were the Berbers who had already arrived from Libya and had previously taught the natives to build the pueblo style structures and to irrigate for farming. Some of the ancient ruins that were very skillfully built of stone masonry that are dotted over the Southwest are probably associated with the empire. Some of these ancient ruins have been rebuilt with later construction over the top of the original.

The modern Amerindian knows nothing about the builders of these ancient cities. However, they have given a name to these earlier inhabitants. They call them the Hohokam, which means "Those who have gone" or "The old ones." After the Spaniards occupied Mexico in the early 1500's, they headed north to investigate the persistent stories of the fabulously wealthy "Seven Cities of Cibola." Of course they never found them because the empire had simply vanished a couple of hundred years earlier. Even in 1300 A.D. the empire had already waned in its importance as a kingdom so there wasn't much left.

In New Mexico, south of Albuquerque and west of Los Lunas about 14 miles, is a huge Basalt (volcanic) boulder. The rock is nestled in a small draw on the side of a group of hills which overlooks the stream called Rio Puerco. The front side, protruding from the soil, is very flat and provides a perfect place for an inscription. On this boulder, inscribed in old Hebrew with a Greek influence, is the Decalog or The Ten Commandments!

As early as 1850, when New Mexico became a territory, people knew of the inscription but it was not until a century later when Professor Robert Pfeiffer of Harvard University, an authority on the Old Testament, determined it to be The Ten Commandments. The inscription was then re-authenticated as being The Ten Commandments by Dr. Barry Fell, the country's foremost epigraphic scientist.

The most revealing discoveries of this ancient kingdom came from the Tucson, Arizona area. Along the Santa Cruz River, in the vicinity of Tucson, beneath six or more feet of undisturbed clich� soil, were found many artifacts that unquestionably prove that European people lived in the area. Clich� soil is made up of crusted calcium carbonate mixed with ordinary dirt. Through many years, water mixes with the combination and turns it into a very hard, concrete like, soil. After it is once formed, if it is then removed, the soil never returns to the original configuration. Thus, when the artifacts were found, it is certain that they are of ancient origin and not a recent fraud.

The artifacts included lead swords, spears, a patriarchal monstrance or shrine used in the religious ceremonies, and eight heavy crosses. All of the artifacts were made of molded lead which was mined in the area. This is known because some of the molds were also found. Each of the crosses was actually two thin lead crosses which were riveted together with lead rivets. When the two halves were separated, it was found that the inner sides were protected with wax in order to preserve the inscriptions which were on the inside parts. It became obvious that the crosses were made for the purpose of a permanent recording of events that were taking place at the time. The swords were not to be used for combat. They were made of lead and also contained inscriptions. They were for ceremonies of some sort.

The inscriptions contained words in Hebrew, Latin and Greek. Following are some of the translations: On one of the crosses, at the top are the words "In Memoriam." On the cross arm at the left is a profile of a head with the words "Britain, Albion, Jacob." In the center is another head profile with the words "Romans, Actim, Theodore." On the right is another head profile with the words "Gaul, Seine, Israel." On the vertical beam of the lead cross is this inscription. "Counsels of great cities together with seven hundred soldiers A.D. 800, Jan. 1."

"We are borne over the sea to Calalus, an unknown land where Toltezus Silvanus ruled far and wide over a people. Theodore transferred his troops to the foot of the city Rhoda and more than seven hundred were captured. No gold is taken away. Theodore, a man of great courage, rules for fourteen years. Jacob rules for six. With the help of God, nothing has to be feared. In the name of Israel, OL."

The inscriptions on these artifacts is a sort of history of one of the city-states of the European migration to this country. The first inscription reveals that Theodore was the ruling king over the city-state of Rhoda. The Toltecs (which history shows existed in Mexico in this time frame) were under Chief Toltezus Silvanus who ruled over a very large area and people. Theodore was a Roman and he moved his troops to the foot or outskirts of the city Rhoda for defense against the Toltecs. Apparently the troops could not hold against the Toltecs and 700 troops were captured but the Toltecs did not take any gold. Theodore must have been killed in that battle. The second cross has the following inscription which, of course, has been translated from the Latin and Greek.

"Jacob renews the city. With God's help Jacob rules with mighty hand in the manner of his ancestors. Sing to the Lord. May his fame live forever. OL."

Jacob a native of Britain and he succeeded Theodore for six years while counterattacking the enemy. He personally fought at the font lines and it appears that he died in battle. The third cross yielded this inscription.

"From the egg (the beginning) A.D. 700 to A.D. 900. Nothing but the cross. While the war was raging, Israel died. Pray for the soul of Israel. May the earth lie light on thee. He adds glory to ancestral glory. Israel, defender of the faith. Israel reigns sixty-seven years."

Israel I was born on the Seine River in France and must have been just a boy when he assumed the throne in 785. These dates are known because of other inscriptions but there are too many of them to include here. The year 790 under Israel I's reign was important because of his decisive victory over the Toltecs. He subjugated them to be under his rule. On January 1, 800 he presided over a council of allied city-states. Because of the present peace, he turned his attention tot he priesthood.

The next inscription.

"Israel II rules for six. Israel III was twenty-six years old when he began to rule. Internecine war. To conquer or die. He flourishes in ancestral honor day by day."

The next inscription.

"A.D. 880. Israel III, for liberating the Toltezus, was banished. He was first to break the custom. The earth shook. Fear overwhelmed the hearts of men in the third year after he had fled. They betook themselves into the city and kept themselves within their walls. A dead man thou shall neither bury nor burn in the city. Before the city a plain was extending. Hills rung the city. It is a hundred years since Jacob was king. Jacob stationed himself in the front line. He anticipated everything. He fought much himself. Often smote the enemy. Israel turned his attention to the appointment of priests. We have life, a people widely ruling. OL."

The next inscription.

"A.D. 895. An unknown land. Would that I might accomplish my task to serve the king. It is uncertain how long life will continue. There are many things which can be said while the war rages. Three thousand were killed. The leader with his principal men are captured. Nothing but peace was sought. God ordains all things. OL."

The author of the book Calalus is a history professor at Wake Forest University. He mistakenly describes the people of Rhoda as Roman Jews. This is undoubtedly because of the names of the individuals. But again, Dr. Berry Fell, the nation's foremost expert epigraphist SHOWS THEM TO BE CHRISTIANS FROM ENGLAND, FRANCE, ROME AND NORTH AFRICA. The crosses would have been unacceptable if they were Jews. The use of the chronological term A.D., which was started by Dionesius in 532 A.D., would certainly have been unacceptable to the Jews. To this day they term the present chronological time the "Christian Era" instead of A.D. The Toltecs went on to totally destroy these people. Why didn't these European Christians survive? Why did all of the other Europeans mysteriously vanish with the last of them having been gone since the 1300's?

It was for several reasons, all of which are distasteful to God for His Celto-Saxon people. The Apostle Paul summed it all up when he said:

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." [19]

For one thing, they had to interbreed themselves out of existence, at least in part. They also apparently came for the riches of gold and silver. In nearly all cases, there appears to be mining as a principle purpose for being here. They also apparently tried to subdue the native population. In other words, use them as slave or cheap labor. If we will look back into history, all of the great civilizations of the Celto-Saxons fell when they brought in cheap labor or slaves and then mixed with them. The process destroys both cultures. If we will but look at our own history we will see a lesson. That part of our culture that came from the Pilgrims and then moved westward as the needs required used their own labor. They had large families and the children worked in their enterprises, be it farming or a shop in town. They remained separated from other peoples and they were told in their churches that gold would be used for street paving in the future! As long as our forefathers stayed separate, feared God, loved their neighbor as themselves and did not love mammon more than their gifts form God, they were a peculiar people to Him. Look around us in modern America and what we see speaks for itself. But it is not too late. It is not too late. Not yet. [20]

Now back to where we left off in our story, as related in National Geographics.

���� "Early mapmakers and explorers gave credence to the legend. Place-names from the Navigatio appear on later charts, and early navigators sought vainly for 'St. Brendan's Isle.' Fact or fantasy, the Navigatio had incalculable impact on the great European voyages of discovery, INCLUDING THAT OF COLUMBUS.

���� According to the legend, St. Brendan and his fellow monks set sail from Ireland in a leather-hulled curragh; this same type of boat, now covered with tarred canvas, is still used by Irish fishermen. The voyage lasted seven years and introduced the monks to such wonders as demons who hurled fire at them, a floating crystal column, and a sea creature as great as an island. Scholars wonder today: Mighty they have been volcanic iceberg...a whale? Finally, Brendan and his shipmates reached the Promised Land, a huge, lush island divided by a mighty river.

���� Soon afterward they sailed home to Ireland, where Brendan died. There the legend of St. Brendan ends, to be given new vitality in the 1970's by a real-life sequel. In the following article, British author and explorer Timothy Severin recounts his epic Atlantic crossing aboard a leather boat. In proving that such a long-ago voyage could have been made, Tim Severin and his crew have brought one of history's most intriguing takes a giant step closer to the realm of possibility. THE EDITOR." [21]

When David died as the world emperor, he was ruling over the Mediterranean Sea in conjunction with the Phoenicians; he ruled over conquered territory from Egypt somewhere in the interior of Asia. And Israelites were present in Britain and America.

During the reign of King Solomon he inherited a huge domain, great power and he devoted himself to wisdom and good rule during the first part of his reign. 1 Kings 4:20-25 related that Israel dwelt safely all the days of Solomon, indeed, how could they not, there was no one left in that area to challenge them.

1 Kings 5:12 show King Hiram and the Phoenicians were allied to Israel.

"And the Lord gave Solomon wisdom, as he promised him: and there was peace between Hiram and Solomon; and they two made a league together."

1 Kings 4:31-34 makes some statements which the world's historians hate. It states that Solomons' wisdom was known to all the nations of the earth.

"For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about. And he spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom."

2 Chronicles states all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon and brought their tributes year by year and presents to hear his wisdom.

"And all the drinking vessels of king Solomon were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold: none were of silver; it was not any thing accounted of in the days of Solomon. For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks. And king Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart." [22]

Is this just some imagination exaggeration of some Hebrew writer? He couldn't actually mean it could he? Well 2 Chronicles 8, 18:9-10 and 1 Kings 9 also show that Israel and Phoenicia joined their navies into one navy, and it mentions they mingled the crews on the same ship.

Berry Falls book "America B.C." has some remarkable revelations of the real extent of just how much the Israelites and the Phoenician alliance was in the area which consists of the United States today. He states in his book "America B.C." that the Phoenicians had a regular port of call of the coast of Maine. Where an old inscription was found which he translates: "Ships of Phoenicia cargo platform."

Fell states:

"It is obvious that the flat topped island would not have been set aside for the loading and unloading of Phoenician ships were they not regular visitors to America, with a predictable time table of ports of arrival and departure and expected dates."

He adds:

"These inscriptions suggest that international maritime commerce was well established in what he calls the late bronze age. That North American ports were listed on a sailing timetable of the overseas vessels of the principle Phoenician shipping companies. And that the same information was circulated to customers in America."

This, along with the above information, gives us an entirely different perspective on just how wide spread was international commerce in the ancient world, and just how intelligent these people were. These people were not cavemen or neanderthals or some people evolutionary revolving from some primitive background, they were intelligent. How permanent were these settlements in the new world? The book "America B.C." also shows the evidence that the Phoenicians had a twenty acre temple site to Baal and pagan deities in New Hampshire. This is not the evidence of people who were just coming for just a few years to trade with the Indians and go. They had very substantial settlements here.

Israel, as we know, quickly joined itself to the Baal worship of the Phoenicians, so it is not surprising that the Baal worship was dominating the old world colonies of the Israelites and the Phoenicians. There were, also, worshippers of the True God of Israel were present in the new world. In "Saga America" another book by Berry Fell in two issues of the occasional publications of the Uppergrafic Society of which he was president, showed that the Ten Commandments were written in the ancient Hebrew and they were carved into the rock in New Mexico, as we have shown above. A tablet which contained the Ten Commandments was also found in Ohio; this was found in 1860 at the opening of the Civil War or it very likely would have gotten much more attention. So, obviously, there were Israelites who were serving the True God in America. How many is very difficult to guess, since the worshippers of the True God did not build pagan temples or leave monuments to the pagan gods, as the Phoenicians did. Soon after Solomon became king, Egypt joined the Israelites Phoenician alliance, which is discussed in 1 Kings 3:1.

"And Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and took Pharaoh's daughter, and brought her into the city of David, until he had made an end of building his own house, and the house of the Lord, and the wall of Jerusalem round about."

The Pharaoh of Egypt conquered a city it states:

"For Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up, and taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire, and slain the Canaanites that dwelt in the city, and given it for a present unto his daughter, Solomon's wife." [23]

Which was dowry for his daughter who was Solomon and was apparently his first wife. So, we can see that both King Hiram and Egypt's Pharaoh took the classic action of lesser powers toward a greater power, initiating the efforts to try to bind themselves to a superior power.

Egypt's sailors were a fair skinned group of maritime people who settled in the area of ancient Lybia. This is covered in "America B.C." and "Bronze Age America" where he goes into the classical writers, and it is not his own idea. There is evidence of ancient Egyptians found in Maine, they were known as the Knickknack Indians which Dr. McDonald states was the Algonquian or Iroquois Race. There have also been Egyptian hieroglyphics found on Long Island. While the ancient Libyan language of their sailors has been found in Quebec, Canada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, California, Texas and New York. This may sound like a roll call for a lot of people in these areas but we highly recommend these books so that you can see for yourself.

There are other states where a person by the name of Gloria Sally has found evidence of inscriptions left by the Celts, the Libyans and the Phoenicians who ascended the Mississippi, Cimmeron and Arkansas Rivers.

The Bible does tell us that the Israelites, Phoenicians and the Egyptians were allied in the first millennium B.C. so we should not be shocked to find that these groups were the ones found in the North American Continent. Is it any coincidence that the Archeological discoveries of America's past have shown these three groups were working together and exploring what has become the territory called the United States? There is a smoking gun to show that these groups were working together, the new world equivalent of the Rosette Stone has been sitting, largely unappreciated in a Davenport, Iowa museum. Its a trilingual parallel ancient inscription recording a pagan ceremony which looked very much like a May Pole or May Day celebration.

It had joint inscriptions of Egyptian hieroglyphics, the ancient Libyan, which was the language of their sailors and what is now called an Iberian Tunic. This is a language which was descended from the Hebrew Phoenicians. It was found in 1874; so it was not found just yesterday, it has been here and ignored for a long time. But it proves these groups were working together in the new world and it was in inscriptions that could be understood by anyone in those three groups of people.

Another artifact found in Oklahoma refers to the Phoenician god Baal and the Egyptian god Ra, and is dated by Fells to be about 800 B.C. Comment has to be made on the closeness of the Israelite Hebrew and the Phoenician language of Tyre and Sidon to show that the Phoenician inscriptions are also Hebrew or Israelite.

George Wellington a famous British historian of the late 1800s comments in his book "Phoenicia:"

"The words most commonly in use, particles, the pronoun, the forms of the verb, the principle inflections and we may add the numerals in Phoenician are identical or near identical to the pure Hebrew. Many other sources comment on the similarity as well; and many sources reflect that the English language came from the Hebrew."

In the book "Short History of the Near East" by Philip Piffy, he states:

"The Phoenician trade on an international scale on textiles, metals, glass, pottery and etc., gave the country three centuries, beginning around 1000 B.C. a prosperity unmatched in its history."

Now the world recognizes the Phoenicians had an empire at that time, but they do not wish to acknowledge that in 1000 B.C. which was the time that David and Solomon rose to power and three centuries later when the Phoenician power seem to disappear was when the Israelites left the area of Palestine. The Phoenicians did not have them around to be allied to. Ecclesiastes Two mentions that Solomon collected the best that the world had to offer in architecture, music, art, etc., and there was no bounds to his wisdom.

The Bible says that God had given him a heart as big as a sea-shore. It also states that the kings when they brought their gifts to Solomon year by year, included animals, gold, silver, many types products and artwork. Which very likely occurred during the feast of tabernacles, which Israel was keeping at that time. There were several types of the millennium that parallel the prophecies at that time. For the world was at peace during the time that Solomon was a righteous king living by God's Laws. He was a peaceful king of kings, living in Jerusalem, and the rest of the world was flowing to Israel; he was preceded by an era of great wars, just like the millennium will be, when he and David his father put down many enemies.

So we can see that Solomon ruled an area greater than the Caesars of Rome. The Mediter-ranean was an Israelites lake; it was ruled by Israel and its allies the Phoenicians and Egyptians; he was in charge of the Mid-East and the Mesopotamians were ruled by Israel; but we don't know how far that went into Asia; Egypt was his ally and he had extensive presence in the new world; America was extensively explored and colonized. Historians also record that Cadez, a city in Spain that is called Cadez now, was founded by the Phoenicians about 1000 B.C., which, again, was during the reign of David and Solomon.

When one looks at the historic records of the Phoenicians the period of 1000 B.C. is very common when they mark their ascension to greatness, which the Bible also identifies as the time when David and Solomon began their golden age. Early British historians record that the Phoenicians were heavily involved in colonizing and mining in the British Isles. In Raymond Capt's book "The Traditions of Glastenbury" mentions some of the early historical accounts of the Tribe of Asher of Israel overseeing the mining operations in Britain. Now when Israel split into Israel and Judah this alliance weakened. Wars were fought between the Israelites and the Judeans, and yes at times they were allied.

But Israel went very deep into the Baal worship of Phoenicia and around 870-850 B.C. Israel was ruled by King Ahab, who was married to a Phoenician princess by the name of Jezebel from the city state of Sidon. Which shows that the Phoenician/Israelites alliance was still followed. When God sent a prophet name Elijah in the middle of the ninth century B.C. Israel's King Ahab had gotten to a point where he was so evil that Elijah had prayed for a drought on the land of Israel. James 5 shows that it lasted 3� years.

"Elias (Elijah) was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months." [24]

1 Kings 17 and 18 show that the drought was so severe that the creeks dried up, and there was no vegetation was left for the animals. Starvation was prevalent in both Israel and the Phoenician city states as we can see from the example of Elijah when he was sent to the home of the Sidonian widow.

1 Kings 18 states that King Ahab had searched for Elijah in all the nations.

"As the Lord thy God liveth, there is no nation or kingdom, whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee: and when they said, He is not there; he took an oath of the kingdom and nation, that they found thee not." [25]

Now that we know those international maritime routes included the area now known as the United States in the new world, that takes on new meaning as it was not just in the mid-east where the search took place. For Israel was still among the great nations of the earth with a large population. During this drought, they had one choice, they could either stay and starve or they could migrate elsewhere and live.

Now Israel had a colonial empire that was quite large, and they had many places to go. However, when one has women and children you do not want to put them on a boat and cross the ocean to America, or Great Britain or even to Spain, you wanted to take them somewhere as close to home as possible, to avoid the rigors of distant travel, yet was away from the drought.

History records that Cartage was founded by the Phoenicians in the middle of the 9th century B.C. Which coincides, roughly with the same time that Israel was experiencing its drought. Alfred Church's book called "Cartage" written in 1890 shows that the name Cartage was the Roman name for the city but that is not the name the Carthagenians called themselves.

They called the city, according to Alfred Church's book, the Carthegians called themselves Cherjaf-habashaf, which Hebrew meaning "new town." A very appropriate name for a new colony, which was being started. Now several historians of Cartage records the magistrates were called the Saphetes by the Romans, but again, that is not the name they called their own magistrates.

In the Carthagenian language when looking at their artifacts, they called them the Shepheta, which is also Hebrew for the word judges. The name of one of the Books of the Bible - Judges. One of their early kings was named Marcus, a Hebrew name, still present during the time of Christ, when the High Priests servant was named Marcus. Remember, he's the one who had his ear cut off, when Peter tried to cut off his head but got his ear instead. Also they had a reference to the Hebrew El, which is depicted in Carthagian artifacts as sitting between the Cherubims.

In the book "Daily Life in Cartage" it states the priestly laws of Cartage was:

"A very significant resemblance to the Book of Leviticus, and many of the sacrifices corresponded exactly to those of the Hebrews."

Many historians have noticed the similarity of the Carthagenians or as the Romans called it the Tunic tongue, to Hebrew. As late as the fourth century A.D., which was many centuries after Cartage fell, remnants of the Tunic culture were recognized by early church writers such as St. Augustine and St. Jerome as having their roots in the Hebrew language.

The Encyclopedia Judicia, when it talks about the fall of Samaria, to the Assyrians it mentions that the Africans, which was their word for the Carthagenans contested with the Jews over the rights of Arab/Israel, or the land of Israel. Now this would make no sense at all if Cartage did not consist of the descendent of the Tribes of Israel. Who had gone into captivity, or had left that area. But they clearly recognized that the land of Palestine was a cultural heritage to the people of Cartage, since they claimed that land as their own at that time.

Cartage became very powerful in the middle of the first millennium B.C. In their early days they were much stronger than Rome and imposed a treaty on Rome, which basically forbade them from sailing in the Western Mediterranean and telling them where they could sail their ships. They were the enemies of Greece and Rome, they kept them out of the Atlantic Ocean with the Carthagenian Navy. But the Greeks did record some information about what Cartage had found in their Atlantic voyages. And a lot of this will probably be quite new to you. The Greeks record:

"In the sea outside the pillars of Hercules, that's Gibraltar, an island was found by the Carthagians, a wilderness having wood of all kinds, and navigatable rivers; remarkable for various kinds of fruit, many sailing distance day away. When the Carthagenians, who were the masters of the western ocean, observed that many traitors and other men were attracted by the fertility of the soil and the pleasant climate, they frequented it. And some resided there. They feared that knowledge of the land would reach other nations."

You can check the historical accounts and see that Cartage at that point became very protective of what was going on west of the Atlantic Ocean, and did not allow the sailors of other nations past Gibraltar. A Greek, in the first century by the name of Diatrous, wrote:

"Over against Africa, on the other side of Africa lies a very great island in the vast ocean. Many days sail westward of Libya or from Libya westward, the soil is very fruitful, a great part is mountainous and much likewise is a plane. It has several navagatable rivers, it has very large woods, fresh water and all sorts of wild beasts to hunt."

If one will take a globe of the earth and go westward from Libya to that part of the globe, you will come right into the heartland of what is now called the United States. This land was obviously America; and it stayed in the hands of the Israelite Carthageians for many many years after Cartage fell. It was the secret of Cartage's wealth, and Cartage is acknowledged as a very wealthy city at that time. In giving America's land to the Carthagians God was passing on to them the promises to Abraham's seed. Also they inherited the promise of possessing the gates of their enemies. And they held a lock-hold on Gibraltar during much of this time.

Heroticus a Greek historian records that,

"the Carthagenians sent an expedition westward from Gibraltar, which included 30,000 men and women, sixty ships, in a time frame of 500-480 B.C. that was when Cartage was much stronger. Westward through the pillars of Hercules to a destination he did not know."

Think for a moment, 30,000 men and women; that's a colonizing expedition, in 60 ships: by doing a little math that is 500 people per ship. Which will give you an idea of the size of the vessel, which even the Greeks acknowledge the Carthagenians were sailing. This also gives us an idea of the size of the ships the Phoenicians and Israelites had during the reign of David and Solomon's time.

Carthagian coins and artifacts have been found in North America, which is a story that is basically not told anywhere. It is in Berry Fells book, but the typical academic writers do not want to really deal with what he has discovered. These coins have been found in Colorado, New York, Alabama, Connecticut and Nevada. You can even take some of the Carthagenan inscriptions which Fell discusses in his book; you can get a Hebrew Lexicon out of your Concordance and you can come to the exact same translation that Fell does by using those Hebrew Lexicons.

Most people do not realize this because history has been taught from the Greco-Roman perspective but America was long known about, in ancient history. And that Cartage was Israelite in it inception. However, in later years they became a pyelograph people, they became very degenerate. How long they had worshippers of the True God we do not know. But they became extremely evil; indulging in child sacrifice, mass sacrifices of human beings - they became extremely violent.

When Rome in the second Tunic war, finally won that war it was actually God's judgment against Cartage and its Israelite people as punishment for their sins. But even in that second Tunic War Cartage came very close to exterminating Rome from off the face of the earth. When Hannibal, who was named after Baal, took an army into the Italian area and was therefore years waging war against the Romans, conquering city after city trying to start a revolt but they were not blessed with victory.

When Cartage fell in the middle of the 2nd century B.C., where did its people go? Since some of the historians talk about the population of Cartage being some 600,000, it also relates that only a few thousand stayed to fight the Romans to the bitter end. Some of them probably sought a new life in Cartage's secret territories in America. For America has been a land of refuge for a long time before the Pilgrims came. These people which came at that time, were Baal worshippers as the remains in America shows. They had gotten degenerate also, and likely died out in wars, intermarriage with the Indians and possibly from VD from their wild sexual practices; which their monuments testify to.

The Carthagenian Israelites in their empire had Southern Spain including the area of Gibraltar, parts of West Africa, and America in their domain. They traded exclusively in the British Isles. The book "Judah's Scepter and Joseph's Birthright," goes into the story of how Dan and Simeon arriving in Wales and Ireland. The Carthagenians traded extensively with these people, but there is no evidence that those areas were part of Cartage Empire, they were only mercantile contacts. Let's repeat, America was given to the Israelites by God in the 1600 and 1700s as the British and European Israelite settlers came again. Historians ignore this part of history because it proves their ideas of evolution as a bunch of bologna. [26]

The officials of the several states and the United States are drunk with power and they like their roles in this altered form of government. Socialism‑ communism‑illuminism is the governing principle being put in practice by the governments of the several states as well was the national‑federal government. If you doubt that this is true, then study the number of states which no longer have their state boundaries recorded in their respective constitutions [30 at the present time]. Once this process is complete there won't be any states left; only ten socialist‑communist‑illuminati regions governed directly from D.C. You must ask yourself why your state officials have not raised a loud hue and cry warning our people of what was going on and protesting these usurpations? Why is it that they have not told us that our government was being restructured? Obviously, it is because they are benefitting from it. They are, along with the minions in D.C., gaining power and absolute authority over us. The Socialist‑communist‑illuminati system is enriching them in untold ways. They are betraying us for their love of mammon. They are part and parcel of the socialist‑communist‑illuminati plan. Why do you think they want to make D.C. a state? Because when they do, D.C. will own [control] all the land in the United States. Remember, Moscow owns all the land in Russia! Not just 10 miles square.


Put a stop to socialism‑communism‑illuminati! The citizens of Texas, as well as the citizens of the other states of the Union, still have the authority to alter or abolish their amended constitutions and put the originals back in force. Our forefathers provided for it:

"FREEDOM AND SOVEREIGNTY OF STATE. Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, and the maintneance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self‑government, unimpaired to all the States." [27]

Then the proviso to change the government is provided in the very next Section:

"INHERENT POLITICAL POWER; REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERN�MENT. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times THE INALIENABLE RIGHT TO ALTER, REFORM, OR ABOLISH THEIR GOVERNMENT IN SUCH MANNER AS THEY MAY THINK EXPEDIENT." [28]

These words, or similar, are found in most of the original, and even many of the current, state constitutions. The citizens have the right by convention to RE‑ESTABLISH THE REPUBLICS THAT HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM US BY STEALTH AND DECEPTION. The citizens have the absolute right to put the original state constitutions and the republics their fathers formed back into full force and effect. The citizens have the right to put the Christian Common Law principles of our Father's Laws back at the Head of Government. Everybody has their own opinions about what is wrong with government, but nobody, especially the politicians, seem to know what to do about it. This will be the last chance we will have to avoid a total breakdown of the Christian form of government that the founders of the several states established! The conspirators [29] who seek a socialist‑communist republic have even gone so far as to remove the set boundary lines from the state constitutions. Very few of the current state constitutions still retain the descriptions of the state boundaries contained in the originals.

In some states the legislature has the authority to completely abolish the state boundaries by statute, by interstate compact, or with the consent of Congress. This is exactly what the socialists‑communists would eventually like to do since state boundaries only have meaning in the Christian Common Law Republic and have no real meaning in an international socialist‑ com�munist form of republic. Or, maybe they already have done it through the Social Security Act.

"The Soviet of Nationalities is elected by the citizens of the USSR voting by Union Republics, Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Regions, and National Areas on the basis of twenty five deputies from each Union Republic, eleven deputies from each Autonomous Republic, five deputies from each Autonomous Region, and one deputy from each National Area." [30]

No longer can the Christian citizens, in the states, trust their elected officials. They must act in their own interest and restore their Christian Constitutions. The White People of the respective states have the vested right to alter or abolish the present constitutions and to replace them with the necessary safeguards to further our Christian Republics. By calling for a state convention of the "People," which does not require consent from the legislature, or any other branch of government for that matter, this can be accomplished.


The most striking of the Mosaic Laws [God's Laws], which Christ endorsed, when He came "to fulfill."

"But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself..." [31]

This Scripture is given an affirmation in the Constitution; in the cases of Meyer vs. Nebraska and Bartels vs. Iowa, the Supreme Court said:

"The protection of the Constitution extends to all, ‑‑ to those who speak other languages as well as to those born with English on the tongue."

In Leviticus 19:35, we find:

"Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure."

And in the case of Truax vs. Reich, the Supreme Court held:

"Aliens cannot be denied the equal protection of the laws."

Therefore, the Constitution, like the Mosaic Law, provides that the stranger within our gates, who offends against our people, may be returned to his native land; but while he is here he must be treated justly; he must be accorded "the equal protection of the laws;" that the inalienable rights bestowed by his Creator must be respected. Many state constitutions have a preamble which reads much the same as that of Texas:

"Humbly invoking the blessings of Almighty God, the people of the State of Texas, do ordain and establish this Constitution." [32]

The "Original" Constitution not only followed the Bible in requiring that justice be done to the stranger within our gates, but it also followed the Divine Law in protecting our own people against foreign domination. The provision that the President must be a "natural born citizen" is a statement of the Mosaic Law, which stated:

"No foreigner shall rule over you."

The contribution of Christianity to the formation of our "Original" Republican Government can be seen in the formation of that government; in the DOCUMENTS of the FORMATION OF THE UNION OF THE AMERICAN STATES.


���� "A declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North‑Ameri�ca, now met in Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms. If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason to believe, an unbounded power over others, MARKED OUT BY HIS INFINITE GOODNESS AND WISDOM, as the objects of a legal domination never rightfully resistible, however severe and oppressive, the inhabitants of these colonies might at least require from the parliament of Great Britain some evidence, that this dreadful authority over them, has been granted to that body.

���� BUT A REVERENCE FOR OUR GREAT CREATOR, principles of humanity, and the dictates of common sense, must convince all those who reflect upon the subject, that government was instituted to promote the welfare of mankind, and ought to be administered for the attainment of that end...

���� Our forefathers, inhabitants of the island of Great Britain, left their native land, to seek on these shores a residence for civil and RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ...Our cause is just. Our union is perfect. Our internal resources are great, and, if necessary foreign assistance is undoubtedly attainable, WE GRATEFUL�LY ACKNOWLEDGE, AS SIGNAL INSTANCES OF THE DIVINE FAVOR TOWARDS US, THAT HIS PROVIDENCE would not permit us to be exercised in warlike operation, and possessed of the means of defending ourselves. With hearts fortified with these animating reflections, we most solemnly, BEFORE GOD and the world declare, that, exerting the utmost energy of those powers, WHICH OUR BENEFICENT CREATOR hath graciously bestowed upon us, the arms we have been compelled by our enemies to assume, we will, in defiance of every hazard, with unabating firmness and perseverance, employ for the preservation of our liberties; being with on mind resolved to die freemen rather than to live slaves...WITH AN HUMBLE CONFIDENCE IN THE MERCIES OF THE SUPREME AND IMPARTIAL JUDGE AND RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, WE MOST DEVOUTLY IMPLORE HIS DIVINE GOODNESS TO PROTECT US HAPPILY THROUGH THIS GREAT CONFLICT, TO DISPOSE OUR ADVERSARIES TO RECONCILIATION ON REASONABLE TERMS, AND THEREBY TO RELIEVE THE EMPIRE FROM THE CALAMITIES OF CIVIL WAR." [33] [34]


"WHEREFORE, APPEALING TO THE SEARCHER OF HEARTS for the sincerity of former declarations expressing our desire to preserve the connection with that nation, and that we are driven from that inclination by their wicked councils, and the eternal law of self‑ preservation..." [35]

THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ‑‑ 1776 in Congress, July 4, 1776, The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America ‑‑

���� "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which THE LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD ENTITLE THEM, a decent respect to the opinion of them to the separation. ‑‑ We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...

���� WE, THEREFORE, the REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, in General Congress, Assembled, APPEALING TO THE SUPREME JUDGE OF THE WORLD for the rectitude of our intentions...‑‑ And for the support of this Declaration, WITH A FIRM RELIANCE ON THE PROTEC�TION OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, or Fortunes and our Sacred Honor." [36]


"...on the 15th day of November, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy‑seven...

Article XIII


ORDINANCE OF 1787, JULY 13, 1787 ‑‑


Article I ‑‑

No person, demeaning himself in a peaceable and orderly manner, shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship, or religious sentiments, in the said territory...

Article III ‑‑

Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged ...Done by the United States, in Congress assembled, in the 13th day of July, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1787, and of their sovereignty and independence the twelfth." [38]


"...IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD..." [39]

In the Debates of the members of the Federal Convention ‑‑

���� "...In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger WE HAD DAILY PRAYER IN THIS ROOM FOR THE DIVINE PROTECTION. ‑‑ OUR PRAYERS, Sir, WERE HEARD, AND THEY WERE GRACIOUSLY ANSWERED. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor. TO THAT KIND PROVIDENCE we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. HAVE WE NOT FORGOTTEN THAT POWERFUL FRIEND? OR DO WE IMAGINE THAT WE NO LONGER NEED HIS ASSISTANCE? I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth ‑‑ THAT GOD GOVERNS IN THE AFFAIRS OF MEN. AND IF A SPARROW CANNOT FALL TO THE GROUND WITHOUT HIS NOTICE, IS IT PROBABLE THAT AN EMPIRE CAN RISE WITHOUT HIS AID?� WE HAVE BEEN ASSURED, Sir, IN THE SACRED WRITINGS, THAT 'EXCEPT THE LORD BUILD THE HOUSE THEY LABOUR IN VAIN THAT BUILD IT.' I FIRMLY BELIEVE THIS; AND I ALSO BELIEVE THAT WITHOUT HIS CONCURRING AID WE SHALL SUCCEED IN THIS POLITICAL BUILDING NO BETTER, THAN THE BUILDERS OF BABEL: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest. I therefore beg leave to move ‑‑ THAT HENCEFORTH PRAYERS IMPLORING THE ASSISTANCE OF HEAVEN, AND ITS BLESSINGS ON OUR DELIBERATIONS, BE HELD IN THIS ASSEMBLY EVERY MORNING BEFORE WE PROCEED TO BUSINESS, AND THAT ONE OR MORE OF THE CLERGY OF THIS CITY BE REQUESTED TO OFFICIATE THAT SERVICE [40]...

���� Mr. Randolph proposed in order to give a favorable aspect to ye measure, THAT A SERMON BE PREACHED at the request of the convention on the 4th of July, the anniversary of Independence; and THENCE FORWARD PRAYERS BE USED in Ye Convention every morning..." [41] "...IN RELIGION THE CREATURE IS APT TO FORGET ITS CREATOR..." [42] "...MOST MEN INDEED AS WELL AS MOST SECTS IN RELIGION, think themselves in possession of all truth, and that wherever others differ from them it is so far error. Steele a Protestant in a Dedication tells the Pope, that the only difference between our Churches in their opinions of the certainty of their doctrines, is, the Church of Rome is infallible and the Church of England is never in the wrong..." [43]

���� "...That the People have an equal, natural and unalienable right freely and peaceably to Exercise their Religion according to the dictates of Conscience, and that no Religious Sect or Society ought to be favoured or established by Law in preference of others..." [44]

���� "...That religion, OR THE DUTY WHICH WE OWE TO OUR CREATOR, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason, and conviction, not by force or violence, and therefore all men have an equal, natural and unalienable right to the free exercise of religion according to the dictates of conscience, and that no particular religious sect or society ought to be favoured or established by law in preference to others..." [45]

So, how did the anti‑Christs propose to change the original Republican Government into a Democracy so it would no longer be a protector of Christianity? They made our American People forget that our Founding Fathers organized our American form of Government for the purpose of protecting Christians and Christianity from all of its enemies. They have all but accomplished this purpose through their ownership of the publishing houses, where they have removed from our schools history books the writings of our colonial founders. In that way they keep our children from reading documents such as the MARYLAND CHARTER which ended with a proviso that no interpretation of the charter should be allowed whereby

"God's Holy and True Christian Religion might in any wise suffer."

They deny to our people the knowledge that our forefathers wrote into the RHODE ISLAND CHARTER, that the very reason for the Rhode Island Government was that the people might,


In short, they deny to us and our children the truth that our American Republican Government was established to protect our Christian people in the practice of their Christian faith. Through the television programs, movies, schools and the pulpits of the Clergy of Organized Religion, who are traitors to Christ and are mostly Prophets of Baal, and have sold their pulpits to the enemies of Christ and America, and have denied us the knowledge of the true origins of our government and that its laws were derived from the Christian Bible!

Consider how helpless this has made those who oppose the wicked. Think of the various kinds of evil and corruption THE SINS ‑‑ that are destroying this once Great Christian Nation; SINS such as drugs, alcohol, pornographic material in magazines, movies, television and the establishment of the abortion [Murder] mills of the unborn.

So‑called "Free love" rather than marriage, and if married, an easy divorce. And when we Christians oppose these evil things [just as did our ancestors in Ancient Israel when they fought against the Edomite and Canaanite {Jewish} Nations who practiced these evils, and it is their descendents who have brought these damnable things into our beloved country] ‑‑ they call us "Bigots," "Right‑wing fanatics," "kooks," "Neo‑Nazi's," "anti‑Semitic," "Jesus‑freaks," or "Fascists."

They claim we must not insist upon the enforcement of God's Laws against these sins, because, after all, "We are a pluralistic society," or "We are not a Christian Nation." One even hears well known television, evangelists using those same phrases [By their fruits ye shall know them. It is by such teachings we know they have become nothing but prostitutes and that they have joined the ranks of Christs' and Americas' enemies]. We hear from such so‑called Christian Ministers, such as Jerry Falwell exclaim:

"It's a shame America was founded as a Christian Nation."


Therefore, you cannot counter their statements, and brand them as the lies they are if you do not know that we WERE a Christian Nation. That as a result of such teachings the men in government do not know America is/was a Christian Nation, so they can not or will not enforce God's Laws as the Laws of the Land. The enemies of Christ and America, say all too many times, "You can't enforce morality," and yet that is exactly what our early American Government did when it executed or imprisoned abortionists, murderers and traitors. N.S. McFetridge has thrown more light upon another development of the Revolutionary period.

So, for the sake of accuracy and completeness we shall take the privilege of quoting him rather extensively.

���� "Another important factor in the independent movement was what is known as the 'Mecklenburg Declaration,' proclaimed by the Scotch‑Irish Presbyterians of North Carolina, May 20, 1775, more than a year before the Declaration [of Independence] of Congress.

���� It was a fresh, hearty greeting of the Scotch‑Irish to their struggling brethren in the North, and their bold challenge to the power of England. They had been keenly watching the progress of the contest between the colonies and the Crown, and when they heard of the address presented by the Congress to the King, declaring the colonies in actual rebellion, they deemed it time for patriots to speak. According, they called a representative body together in Charlotte, N.C., which by unanimous resolution declared the people free and independent, and that all laws and commissions from the king were henceforth null and void. In their Declaration were such resolutions as these; 'We do hereby dissolve the political bands which have connected us with the mother‑country, and hereby absolve ourselves from all allegiance to the British Crown...We hereby declare ourselves a free and independent people; are, and of right ought to be, a sovereign and self‑governing association, under control of no power other than that of our God and the general government of Congress; to the maintenance of which we solemnly pledge to each other our mutual co‑operation and our lives, our fortunes and our most sacred honor.'...

���� That assembly was composed of twenty‑seven staunch Christians, just one‑third of whom were ruling elders in the Presbyterian Church including the president and secretary; and one was a Presbyterian clergyman. The man who drew up that famous and important document was the secretary, Ephraim Brevard, a ruling elder of the Presbyterian Church and a graduate of Princeton College. Bancroft says of it that it was, 'in effect, a declaration as well as a complete system of government.'" [46]

In the Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, by Loraine Boettner, p. 394 we find:

���� "The...ideas concerning governments and rulers have been ably expressed by J.C. Monsuma in the following lucid paragraph: 'Governments are instituted by God through the instrumentality of the people. No Kaiser or president has any power inherent in himself; whatever power he possesses, whatever sovereignty he exercises, is power and sovereignty derived from the great Source above.

���� No might, but right, and might springing from the eternal Fountain of Justice...If the government were nothing but a group of men, bound to carry out the wishes of a popular majority, his freedom‑loving soul would rebel.

���� But now, to his mind, and according to his fixed belief, back of the government stands God and before Him he kneels in deepest reverence. Here also lies the fundamental reason for that profound and almost fanatical love of freedom, also the political freedom...The government is God's servant. That means that AS MEN all government officials stand on an equal footing with their subordinates; have no claim to superiority in any sense whatever...For exactly the same reason the [Christian] gives preference to a republican form of government over any other type. In no other form of government does the sovereignty of God, the derivative character of government powers and the equality of men as men, find a clearer and more eloquent expression.'"

However, since it has become a Democracy at the dictates of the GREATEST TRAITOR IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, it has been rapidly declining until it is now a mere shell of its former greatness.

You may not have thought of it just that way, and perhaps your Minister has joined the chorus saying "we can't enforce Bible Laws." But the writers of the New Testament knew it was the job of government to enforce morality. Romans 13 relates twice that civil rulers are called Ministers of God to punish evildoers. In other words, to punish those who violate Bible Laws. So, you see, the New Testament says that government is to punish those who break God's Laws. Our Christian forefathers knew that and to our Founding Fathers that was the essence of Christian Government. There is more in the New Testament to show that God's Laws are to be enforced by government to punish evildoers.

"Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mother, for manslayers. For whoremonge�rs, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine." [47]

One other aspect needs to be addressed. That being:


Many in the freedom and Christian Identity movement are beginning to refer to themselves as "Caucasians" with the understanding that this term means only those of the White Race. Well it is true every "Caucasian" belongs to the family of Adam. But, not every "Caucasian" is an Israelite. The first naturalization Act passed by Congress entitled, " Act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization." (a) March 26, 1790, Ch. III, Sec. 1, 1 Stat. 103; and, An Act to establish a uniform rule of Naturalization; and to repeal the acts heretofore passed on that subject. (a) January 29, 1795, Ch. XX., Sec. 1, 1 Stat. 103, do not use this word "Caucasian,"� they use the word "White."

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That any alien, BEING A FREE WHITE PERSON, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

The Preamble to the Constitution for the United States of America states: "We the People..." This was known and understood as only those of the White Race [48]. The Supreme Court ruled that the Preamble meant those of the White Race. The word "WHITE" leaves no doubt as to its meaning. It does not mean black, brown, red, yellow, or any mixture thereof; it means WHITE.

To true Christians, White means those of the Race of Adam, which is the creation of the White Race by our Father, as He created SEPARATELY the brown, yellow and black races. Reference to the Holy Bible is obviously missing from the court cases which we will be dealing with, but we first seek our Father's Word to establish what the word means, then read the court's interpretation so we can better understand if they're right. The forces that wish to invade our Nation found it difficult to get around the word "White" in the Naturalization Act.

As long as the county courts of Christian Common Law Jurisdiction within the boundaries of the several state republics had control of naturalization, the Congress, under organic Article I, Section 8, Clause 4, could only pass uniform laws of naturalization. Should these acts of Congress become unconstitutional, the courts of Christian Common Law Jurisdiction would not honor them and refuse to naturalize anyone NOT of the White Race, as it violates the state constitutions and the Preamble to the Constitution for the United States of America.

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That any alien, BEING A FREE WHITE PERSON, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States, or any of them, on the following conditions, AND NOT OTHERWISE:‑"

Note the change of the words in the 1802 Naturalization Act: "...AND NOT OTHERWISE." Those who schemed to destroy this provision of our Nation's law knew that they would have to alter or change the word "White" to another word and this word would have to be acceptable to the White Citizens; it would have to have the understanding of white, while it would open the door to non‑whites to demand citizenship in our nation. The principal was used in the Social Security Act. Before a White human joined, the courts viewed him as human; after he joined, the courts viewed him as artificial.

This kind of scheme is common among those who, by deception, wish to alter our law or destroy our standing under the Organic Law. In all probability, the scheme used in the Social Security Act was probably learned in the use of the word "Caucasian." The first case is [Takao] Ozawa vs. United States, 43 S.Ct. 65; 260 U.S. 178; 67 L.ed. 199 (1922). Mr. Justice Sutherland delivered the opinion of the court:

"The appellant is a person of the Japanese race, born in Japan. He applied, on October 16, 1914, to the United States district court for the territory of Hawaii to be admitted as a citizen of the United States." [49]

As stated, appellant is of the Japanese race, born in Japan, not in the United States. The statutory 14th Amendment did not apply.

"The district court of Hawaii, however, held that, having been born in Japan, and being of the Japanese race, he was not eligible to naturalization..." [50]

The district court of Hawaii denied the petition and the appellant went to the circuit court of appeals, which certified three (3) questions to the United States Supreme Court, which were as follows:

�� 1). Is the Act of June 29, 1906 [51], providing 'for a uniform rule for the naturalization of aliens' complete in itself, or is it limited by @ 2169 of the������������������ Revised Statutes of the United States?

�� 2). Is one who is of the Japanese race and born in Japan eligible to citizenship under the Naturalization Laws?

�� 3). If said Act of June 29, 1906, is limited by @ 2169, and naturalzation is limited to aliens being free white persons, and to aliens of African nativity,������������ and to persons of African descent, is one of the Japanese race, born in Japan, under any circumstances eligible to naturaliza�tion? [52]

The statutory 14th article in the United States Constitution, of course, preceded this statute; which is why the persons of African descent are brought into the case. The schemers never fail to bring this into a case, as it really is important for them to show that the Christian Common Law rule of one race to govern has really been broken; but it also works against them, as each race, other than white, must be authorized by Congress to be a statutory citizen ‑‑ race by race. The vehicle Congress used for this was the statutory 14th Amendment which, today they have expanded to include all races, mixture of races, and even corporations; all unconstitutionally in violation of our Father's Word and the Basic law of our Nation. All of this was aided through the misconception of interpreting the word "Caucasian" by saying it is synonymous with the word "white," which in reality only describes a geographical area. There is no proof that only whites lives in this area; just as you know, because a person says he's European, doesn't mean he's of the White Race.

"Thus, in Ex parte Shahid, 205 Fed. 812, the court said that the meaning of the term was such as would naturally have been given to it when used in the first naturalization Act of 1790, at which date all Europeans were commonly classed as the White Race; and that, under such an interpretation, it would mean all persons belonging to the European races, then commonly counted as white, and their descendants, AND WOULD NOT REFER TO THE CAUCASIAN RACE, a term generally employed only after the date of the statute, and in a most loose and indefinite way; and that such geographical interpretation that white persons meant person of European ancestry and descent was, at least, capable of uniform application, and gave to the statute a construction that avoided the uncertainties of shades of color and individious discriminations as to the race of individuals." [53]

These court rulings were necessarily held because these people that were in the geographical zone were claiming they were of the Caucasian zone. Do you see what is going on? The court soon realized that to interpret by geographical areas was a big mistake. Everything from purple to green claim to be eligible for citizenship in the United States of America. When our forefathers and Founding Fathers wrote the Preamble, they knew who "We the People" were; the first Congress knew when they passed the first naturalization Act; and Mr. Chief Justice Marshall, in Dartmouth College vs. Woodward, 4 Wheat 518, 644; 4 L. ed. 629, 661, knew what it meant.

���� " deciding a question of constitutional construction: 'It is not enough to say that this particular case was not in the mind of the Convention when the article was framed, nor of the American people when it was adopted. It is necessary to go farther, and to say that, had this particular case been suggested, the language would have been so varied as to exclude it, or it would have been made a special exception. The case, being within the words of the rule, must be within its operation likewise, unless there be something in the literal construction so obviously absurd or mischievous, or repugnant to the general spirit of the instrument, as to justify those who expound the Constitution in making it an exception.'

���� If it be assumed that the opinion of the framers was that the only persons who would fall outside the designation 'white' were negroes and Indians, this would go no farther than to demonstrate their lack of sufficient information to enable them to foresee precisely who would be excluded by that term in the subsequent administration of the statute. It is not important, in construing their words, to consider the extent of their ethnological knowledge, or whether they through that, under the statute, the only persons who would be denied naturalization would be Negroes and Indians. It is sufficient to ascertain whom they intended to include; and, having ascertained that, it follows, as a necessary corollary, that all others are to be excluded." [54]

���� "But from the latest interpretation of this term by the United States Supreme Court in United States vs. Bhagat Singh Think, post, 616, it appears that the words 'white persons' and 'Caucasians' are not identical in meaning, and the test of membership in the Caucasian race is only useful in excluding an alien who is not a member of such race, and does not mean that mere membership in such race entitles an alien to be naturalized, as explained by such court in excluding a Hindu, though of such race. In a valuable discussion of this point, the court called attention to the fact that the word 'Caucasian' did not appear in the statute; and was employed by the court simply as an aid to the ascertainment of the legislative intent in using, in describing the class of aliens who may be naturalized..." [55]

This scheme to "waterdown" the word "white" was aided by another scheme, the old saying: "out of sight, out of mind."

"As stated in Ozawa vs. United States, the expression 'white persons,' to describe aliens capable of naturalization, is found in all our Naturalization Acts since the first one, in 1790, except for a brief period from 1873 to 1875, WHEN IT WAS OMITTED BY MISTAKE." [56]

Another aid was the Revised Statutes themselves:

"These provisions were restated in the Revised Statutes, so that @ 2165 included only the procedural portion, while the substantive parts were carried into a separate section (2169) and the words 'An alien' substituted for the words 'Any alien.'"; "In all of the Naturalization Acts, from 1790 to 1906, the privilege of naturaliza�tion was confined to White Persons..." [57]

Here, the schemers are trying to say the Revised Statutes changed the word "any" to "an," and there by altered the intent of the Act of Congress as recorded in the true law known as the United States Statutes at Large. The Revised Statutes are codifications of the United States Statutes at Large, the U.S. Statutes at large are the law, not the Revised Statutes, as shown.

���� "The division of the Revised Statutes into titles and chapters is chiefly a matter of convenience, and reference to a given title or chapter is simply a ready method of identifying the particular provisions which are meant.

���� It is inconceivable that a rule in force from the beginning of the government, a part of our history as well as our law, welded into the structure of our national policy by a century of legislative and administrative acts and judicial decisions ‑‑ would have been deprived of its force in such dubious and casual fashion." [58]

Those are the schemes the spoilers used to alter the word "white." I personally believe that America is Israel. I believe that America is the regathering of the thirteen tribes of Israel into a nation as our Father God has said he would do. I believe that the White Race compose of the thirteen tribes, which is why the first Naturalization Act said any White Person, regardless of his place or origin, could be a citizen in this Nation.

"And in Dow vs. United States, 140 C.C.A. 549, 226 Fed. 145, the court below said that the real question was as to who was referred to in the term 'white persons' in the Act of 1790, in the understanding of the makers of the law, and it held that such term referred to aliens of European nativity, or descent only; but the appellate court was not of this opinion, and said, in reference thereto, that while, in 1790, when the first Naturalization Act was passed, immigration to this provide for naturalization of aliens from Europe, and to deny naturalization to negroes, yet, in not mentioning the people of Europe, and in extending the privilege of naturalization to any 'Free White Person,' it seems reasonable to think that Congress must have believed that there were White Persons who were natives of countries outside Europe. Especially as the writers on the subject at that time were not agreed in the view that Europeans were the only White People; but that, if it be assumed that the preponderance of the argument was strongly in favor of the conclusion that, in 1790, the popular understanding was that people of European nativity or descent were white, and that all others were colored and that legislators had not in definite view any persons as white, except those of present statute, as from that time down to the present the popular construction of race divisions has become more distinct, and Congress has amended and repealed and re‑enacted the statute; and it cannot be said, in view of this, that the present statute must be construed in the light of knowledge and conception of the legislators who passed the original statute in 1790, without respect to the more definite and general knowledge and conception which must be attributed to the legislators who, upon reconsideration of the whole subject, enacted subsequent statutes, including that now in force." [59]


All this has happened to "We the People," which are only White Christian People from the beginning of our nation because we have turned our face away from Almighty God and His only Son Jesus Christ. In times of trouble we turn to men and earthly things, instead of God, the potter, can cure all defects in the clay while the clay can do nothing by itself?

The Christians [God's Children, the Chosen] of our nation, including myself, have allowed every kind of perversion and violation of God's Law to go unchallenged in our presence for fear of persecution. We have violated God's Law ourselves either by acts or omissions. Had we and our ancestors followed God's Law and leaned on Him and His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit thus coming upon us, what we do and don't do might not come to evil. Just as an honest man cannot be swindled because of his honesty and lack of greed, a man that walks in the path of God cannot fall in the ditch of evil. So I submit to you, the hearts of God's people must return to him with a conviction unto mortal death. Then God might have mercy upon our nation and remove the tyranny of this rebel de facto central government from


"If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." [60]

Now compare the oath or affirmation our forefathers took when America was young, and the one we take today:

"I _________________________ being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman within the jurisdiction of this commonwealth. Do freely acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereof, and therefore do here swear by the great and dreadful name of the Everliving God that I will be true and faithful to the same and will accordingly yield assistance and support thereunto with my person and estate as in equity I am bound, and will also truly endeavor to maintain and preserve all the liberties and privileges thereof. Submitting myself to the wholesome laws and orders made and established by the same. And further that I will not plot or practice any evil against it or consent to any that shall so do, but will timely discover and reveal the same to lawful authority. Now here establish for the speedy prevention thereof. Moreover I do solemnly bind myself in the sight of God that when I shall be called to give my voice touching any such matter of this state, in which freeman are to deal I will give my vote and suffrage as I shall judge in mine own conscience that may best conduce and tend to the public weal of the body. Without respect of person or favor of any man so help me God, in the Lord Jesus Christ."

That was an oath taken by our Christian forefathers in the colonies. Here is the oath taken by Americans today who believe that upon taking it they do a great thing.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The Pledge of Allegiance, like the prayer, recognizes the existence of a Supreme Being. Since 1954 it has contained the word "one nation UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."[61]

The House report, recommending the addition of the words "under God" stated that those words in no way run contrary to the First Amendment but recognize "only the guidance of God in our national affairs" H.R. Rep. No. 1693, 83d Cong. 2d Sess. p. 3, Ami sec 5. Rep. No. 1257, 83d Cong. 2d Sess. Senator Ferguson, who sponsored the measure in the Senate, pointed out that the words "In God We Trust" are over the entrance to the Senate Chamber. [62],

He added:

"I have felt that the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag which stands for the United States of America should recognize the Creator who we really believe is in control of the destinies of this great Republic. It is true that under the Constitution no power is lodged anywhere to establish a religion. This is not an attempt to establish a religion, it has nothing to do with anything of that kind. It relates to belief in God, in whom we sincerely repose our trust. We know that America cannot be defended by guns, planes, and ships alone. Appropriations and expenditures for defense will be of value only if the God under whom we live believes we are in the right. We should at all times recognized God's province over the lives of our people and over this great Nation." [63]

The Act of March 3, 1865, 13 Stat. 517, 518, authorized the phrase "In God We Trust" to be placed on coins. And sec. 17 Stat. 427. The first mandatory requirements for the use of that motto on coins was made by the Act of May 18, 1903, [64] The use of the motto on all currency and coins was directed by the Act of July 11, 1955, 69 Stat. 290. See H.R. Rep. No. 662, 84th Cong. 1st Sess., S. Rep. No. 637, 84th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rep. No 637, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. Moreover, by the Joint Resolution of July 30, 1956, our national motto was declared to be "In God We Trust." [65] In reporting the Joint Resolution, the Senate Judiciary Committee stated:

"Further official recognition of this motto was given by the adoption of the Star‑Spangled Banner as our national anthem."

One stanza of our national anthem is as follows:

"O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand

Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation:

Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land

Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation

Then conquer we must when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto ‑‑ 'In God is our trust,'

And the Star‑Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."

In view of these words in our national anthem, it is clear that

"In God we trust' has a strong claim as our national motto." [66]

We are not condemning the pledge we take today. But do you see the difference? In those days, they pledged their obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Today we pledge to a symbol of the nation, and we have left out the Lord Jesus Christ. We have deserted the Rock upon which this nation was founded! Now in spite of the fact that we believe that we should pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and we believe it is, indeed, quite a symbol to show how far we have retreated from the first principles which were established in the early days of America. Today, some people, even to this short pledge of allegiance they say it as a ritual, having little if any understanding even of what the flag for America stands for. It is simply a case of America forgetting the rock of its salvation.

[1] Daniel 12:4.

[2] Daniel 12:9.

[3] 2 Samuel 8:5, 13, 10:18.

[4] 1 Chronicles 19:7.

[5] 1 Chronicles 19:9.

[6] Psalm 83:1-18.

[7] 1 Chronicles 22:3.

[8] To this date no one has found the remains of the bodies because of the acid content of the soil which destroys all remains in less than 100 years. Additionally, our early American settlers removed the headstones from the burial sites and placed them in hedgerows along the sides of the fields and so the headstones are not now located near the actual graves.

[9] Ezekiel 27:12.

[10] Genesis 10:4.

[11] The arif was a precentor in charge of a small congregation lacking an ordained priest of the North African Coptic Church.

[12] 1 Kings 3:16-28; 1 Corinthians 6:1-8.

[13] Deuteronomy 19:14; 27:17; Job 24:2; Proverbs 22:28; 23:10; Joshua 5:10.

[14] Exodus 18:21-22; 22:9; Leviticus 19:15; Deuteronomy 1:13-15.

[15] Deuteronomy 19:16-20; Proverbs 6:16-19; and Leviticus 19:16.

[16] 2 Samuel 22:26; Psalm 18:25.

[17] Leviticus 6:2-6.

[18] Leviticus 1-30.

[19] Isaiah in 52:11 says the same thing.

[20] See the following: Barry Fell, Bronze Age America, Ruggles De Latour, New York; Barry Fell, America B.C., Simon & Schuster, New York; Barry Fell, Saga America, Times Books, New York; Cyclone Covey, Calalus, Vantage Press, New York; Samuel Morison, The European Discovery of America, Oxford University Press; Samuel Morison, Admiral of the Ocean Sea, Little, Brown & Co., Boston; and Christian Crusade For Truth, Intelligence Newsletter, March-April 1992, Deming, New Mexico.

[21] National Geographic, Vol. 152, No. 6, December 1977. p. 769.

[22] 2 Chronicles 9:20-23.

[23] 1 Kings 9:16.

[24] James 5:17.

[25] 1 Kings 18:10.

[26] This entire chapter was taken from "Intelligence Newsletter," written by Pastor Earl F. Jones, and a much more complete and informative book by Pastor Jones can be purchased from: "Christian Crusade For Truth," HC 66 Box 39, Deming, NM 88030, (505) 895-5365.

[27] Article I, Sec. 1, Bill of Rights, Texas Const. (1876).

[28] Article I, Sec. 2, Texas Const.

[29] "From the days of Adam (Spartacus) Weishaupt, to those of Karl Marx to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman. This world‑wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing...There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international, and for the most part, atheistic Jews. It is certainly a very great one: it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders." (Winston Churchill, Sunday Illustrated Herald, London, England, February 8, 1920)

[30] Ch. III, Art. 35, USSR Constitution.

[31] Leviticus 19:34.

[32] Preamble, Constitution of the State of Texas.

[33] Did you see and understand that ‑‑ Our ancestors not only asked God to help them but they asked God to help England to bear up under their defeat!

[34] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), pages 10, 16, 17.

[35] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927) page 19.

[36] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), pages 22, 25)

[37] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), pages 27, 35, 36).

[38] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), pages 51‑54.

[39] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), pages 55, 61‑65.

[40] Benjamin Franklin Thursday, June 28 In Convention 1787.

[41] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), pages 295‑297.

[42] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), page 319.

[43] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), page 739.

[44] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), page 1035.

[45] Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, Government Printing Office, Washington (1927), page 1047.

[46] U.S. History VIII, p. 40.

[47] 1 Timothy 1:9‑10.

[48] See Dread Scott vs. Sandford, (1856‑57) 19 Howard (60 U.S.) 393.

[49] Ozawa vs. United States, supra, at p. 205.

[50] Ozawa vs. United States, supra, at p. 205.

[51] 34 Stat. at L. p. 596, Chap. 3592, Comp. Stat. @ 963, 6 Fed. Stat. Anno., 2d ed. p. 940.

[52] Ozawa vs. United States, supra, at p. 205.

[53] Ozawa vs. United States, p. 200.

[54] Ozawa vs. United States, supra, at p. 208.

[55] Ozawa vs. United States, supra at p. 199.

[56] Ozawa vs. United States, p. 178.

[57] Ozawa vs. United States, supra, at p. 206.

[58] Ozawa vs. United States, at p. 207.

[59] Ozawa vs. United States, supra, at p. 201.

[60] 2 Chronicles 7:14.

[61] 36 C.S.C. 172.

[62] 100 Cong. Rec. 6348.

[63] See 100 Cong. Rec. 7757 et seq. for the debates in the House.

[64] 35 Stat. 164. See H.R. Rep. No. 1106, 60th Cong., 1st. sess.; 42 Cong. Rec. 3384 et seq.

[65] 70 Stat. 732.

[66] S. Rep. No. 2703, 84th Cong., 2d Sess. p. 2.

Reference Materials